The problem
My choir wants to advertise the number of rehearsals before the next concert. We have a list of rehearsal dates and need to count those who have not yet passed.
The solution (JavaScript)
<div id="result"></div>
function dateDtoE(s)
h = s.split(".");
return '20' + h[2] + '-' + ('0'+h[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0'+h[0]).substr(-2);
var dates2go = [ '28.6.18','5.7.18','12.7.18','19.7.18','26.7.18','2.8.18','9.8.18','30.8.18'];
var count = 0;
var now = new Date();
var i = dates2go.length;
h = dateDtoE(dates2go[i]);
var test = new Date(dateDtoE(dates2go[i]) + 'T22:00:00');
if(test > now)
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = '<p>Still ' + count + ' rehearsals!</p>';
The function dateDtoE converts a date from German format to javascript format, ie. from 13.6.18 to 2018-06-13.
When creating a Date object from the list of dates, the script assumes 10 p.m. as time of day. This is when our rehearsals usually end.
Note the use of a while loop. Lazybones might have used for(i=0;i<dates2go.length;i++), thus recounting the number of elements in the array for every iteration of the loop.
Extra: A solution in Ruby
I know next-to-nothing about ruby, sorry.
require 'time'
def dateDtoE(s)
h = s.split('.');
return '20' + h[2] + '-' + h[1] + '-' + h[0]
dates2go = ['28.6.18','5.7.18','12.7.18','19.7.18','26.7.18','2.8.18','9.8.18','30.8.18']
count = 0
now =
dates2go.each{ |d|
h = Time.parse(dateDtoE(d));
if h > now
count += 1
puts "Still #{count} rehearsals."
Note how the loop looks more elegant. Furthermore, ruby’s date parser doesn’t rely on leading zeros.